Onboarding checklists at one place help new hires get settled at your company. Create cards to see onboarding tasks and notes for that person. Example below.

Employee onboarding checklist
Secure company laptop & charger, change password
Watch security tutorial
Wi-Fi network & password (If on-site)
Onboarding buddy introduction
Access to remote work resources (mobile, remote desktop, etc.)
Fill out getting-to-know-you survey
Submit recent headshot and 2–4 sentences for the company website bio
HR & benefits
Payroll — sign in, add banking information
Enroll in health insurance and other benefits
Day-to-day software setup
Log in to your Google account (email)
Set up two-factor authentication
Add team Google Calendar
Access Google Drive
Log in to Slack via Google account (internal communications)
Choose unique handle using @firstnamelastname
Add photo and location to profile
Log in to Notion via Google account (internal communications and docs)
Onboarding schedule
Team directory
Employee handbook
Team values and expectations
Must-read background blog posts or videos on company/products/services
Log in to Zoom via Google account (video calls)
For example, the Marketing team might use this onboarding list for their tools.
Check out your Gmail for invitations to sign in to the following tools:
Google Analytics
Content management system
We want to set up new hiring managers, leaders, and recently promoted colleagues for success by providing them with proper hiring templates. Please reach out to us if you want some templates, and share them with the recipients so they can hit the ground running.
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